Sunday, 14 April 2013

And Finally...

We're in Japan on the final leg of our journey. Not just the final leg but the final day - we're flying back to England tomorrow. I can't believe 6 months have gone by. Here's a few photos...

...with lots more here.

See you soon...

Australian Road Signs

Not sure if these would catch on in the northern hemisphere...

I've been a bit remiss about posting recently so you'll have to make do with the photos.

A special thanks to Alec and Lizzie for putting us up in Brisbane.

Cute Animals 2

Monic trying to persuade a confused baby koala not to cross the road...

I'm surprised there wasn't an accident - about a dozen cars stopped on a narrow road to look at it - I suppose it was quite cute...

Eventually a nice lady came along and popped it into a bag and drove off with it.  We're pretty sure she was from an animal rescue centre and didn't just fancy roast baby koala...

Not sure if this counts as cute...

But this probably does...

Cute Animals 1

Thanks to Aurelie for the penguins...

 and a bedraggled duck...

"I'm so ashamed... why didn't anyone tell me I looked like this"
They're supposed to look like this - apparently they're bred from Vietnamese fighting ducks - presumably from the losers.

A ridiculous number of photos - including more cute (and not so cute) animals - here.